About Bayside Invest

About Bayside Invest

After a successfully operating in the debenture issuing segment for numerous years, the Directors of Hargraves Secured Investments (HSI) created Bayside Invest Limited with the aim of broadening their reach and market access, whilst leveraging the experience, policies and procedures of HSI.  The Directors and Officers of Bayside Invest have decades of experience in the assessment and management of commercial loans.

Bayside Invest raises funds from investors by issuing notes, and generates income on those funds primarily by lending to individuals and companies, with security provided by mortgages over real estate. 

We aim to offer competitive investment and lending interest rates. The funds raised will enhance the Company’s ability to expand its business, without deviating from its permitted investments per its Trust Deed.

We issue a Prospectus under the Corporations Act 2001 and hold Australian Financial Services Licence No. 525290 authorising the Company to deal in notes of the Company, and has appointed MSC as the Trustee for note holders. The important role of the trustee is described below…

The trustee’s duty under the trust deed and the Corporations Act is to ‘exercise reasonable diligence’ in monitoring the issuer’s ability to repay the notes (e.g. its financial position and performance).

ASIC Regulatory Guide 69 Debentures and notes: Improving disclosure to retail investors